What are the consequences of being convicted of an impaired related offence?

For a first offence there is a minimum fine of $1,000. There is also a minimum driving prohibition of one year which means that you are not allowed to drive anywhere in Canada for one year. However, you may be able to drive after three months if you install an alcohol ignition interlock device.

For a second offence there is a minimum jail sentence of 30 days and a minimum driving prohibition of two years. You also be faced with the provincial license suspension of three years, which means that you will not be allowed to drive a vehicle in Ontario for three years.

For a third offence there is a minimum jail sentence of 120 days and a minimum driving prohibition of three years. If you have been convicted of a third offence in Ontario, your driver’s license will be suspended for life.

In addition to the penalties and consequences described above, you can also expect that your insurance premiums will skyrocket. You are also at risk of being barred entry into the United States as you will have a criminal conviction on your record.

If you want to drive as soon as possible following a first conviction, you can expect to pay over $20,000 taking into account the following:

  • $1,000 for the minimum fine
  • $500 for the Provincial Back on Track Program
  • $1,500 for the Interlock Device
  • $20,000 for increased insurance premiums for the next 3 years