50 kms and Still Standing!

50 kms and Still Standing!

I made it! After many months of planning and hours of training I completed my first ultra-marathon, running around the Bay of Quinte to celebrate my 40th birthday. Even better, with the support of the community, my family and the fantastic staff at Bonn Law, we were able to raise over $9,000 for the Children’s Treatment Centre (CTC) at Belleville General Hospital.

My wife, Cassandra and I, were inspired to raise money for the Children’s Treatment Centre by our son, Fraser, who attends the CTC for ongoing treatment for cerebral palsy. These funds will be used to buy specialized equipment that all children will be able to use for many years to come. A big thank-you to all who supported us on the run and in raising funds.

In the end there were 6 runners who completed the entire 50 km loop with me. Here is a picture of 5 of us who made it.

Kris Bonn, Personal Injury Lawyer


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