Category: Law Blogs

Understanding Notice Requirements for Slip and Fall Incidents on Ice in Ontario

When winter arrives in Ontario, the risk of slip and fall incidents due to ice and snow increases significantly. For individuals who suffer personal injuries from such incidents, understanding the notice requirements is crucial to ensure their legal rights are protected. Slip and Fall on Private Property: Occupiers’ Liability Act The primary legislation governing slip and fall incidents on private property in Ontario is the Occupiers’ Liability Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. O.2. This Act sets out the duties and liabilities

Major Overhaul to Ontario’s No-Fault Accident Benefits Coming in July 2026

The Ontario government has announced significant changes to the province’s no-fault automobile insurance regime, set to take effect on July 1, 2026. These changes are poised to reshape the landscape of auto insurance in Ontario, negatively impacting those injured in motor vehicle accidents. Here’s a detailed look at what these changes entail and their potential implications. Current No-Fault System Under the current no-fault system, individuals injured in automobile accidents in Ontario are eligible for insurance coverage regardless of who is

What Rights Do I Have If I Am Arrested?

What Rights Do I Have If I Am Arrested?

By: Ruth Roberts If you have the misfortune to be arrested, you are protected under a constellation of sections of The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Sections 7 – 11 deal with many of those legal rights. Perhaps the most important ones when you are first arrested are sections 9, 10 and 11: the right not be arbitrarily detained or imprisoned (s.9); the right to retain and instruct counsel without delay.(s.10); and the right to be informed without reasonable delay

Criminal Offence Categories in Canada

Criminal Offence Categories in Canada

Author: Scott Raycroft-Wright If you have spent any time around the criminal justice system in Canada, you may have heard the words “summary” and “indictable” used in relation to criminal offences. These terms refer to the classification of the offence, which can affect things like the limitations period, available sentences, and eligibility for record suspensions. When facing a criminal charge it is important to know the difference between the categories so you can know what to expect. Summary offences Summary

"First…….let’s Kill All The Lawyers" Shakespeare, Henry VI

“First…….let’s Kill All The Lawyers” Shakespeare, Henry VI

Author: Ruth Roberts My favorite fictional character, and professional role model, Rumpole of the Bailey, was notorious for quoting at length from Shakespeare, and the classics. It is often a guilty pleasure of mine. How better to express all the grandeur and tragedy and nuance of humanity, than through the golden eloquence of some of the greatest writers of all time? They were able to distill overwhelming events into understandable and manageable paragraphs; they were able to poignantly sum up

Criminal Record Suspension

Criminal Record Suspension

As of January 1, 2022, the fee to apply for a criminal record suspension has been reduced from $657.77 to $50. If you or someone you know has wanted to apply for a record suspension but has been putting it off because of the cost, now would be a great time to apply! If you or someone you know has a criminal record but is not familiar with the record suspension process, read on for a quick summary. Canada no


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