Bonn Law Office has been serving the Quinte Area for over 42 years. Our very own Kris Bonn is turning 40 this year. He has completed Ironman Triathlons and marathons, but never an ultra marathon, which is is a run that goes at least 50 kms. To celebrate turning 40, Kris decided to organize his own ultra marathon.
As his way of giving back he also wanted to raise money for a great cause. Kris and Cassandra’s son, Fraser, is 2 years old and suffers from cerebral palsy. He receives treatment at the Belleville General Hospital Children’s Treatment Centre. The goal is to raise $6,000 to purchase new equipment for the Children’s Treatment Centre that will be used by all the children in our community who visit the Centre. Kris is asking all participants and guests for donations towards the fundraising goal in lieu of presents.
Bonn Law Office is already a big supporter of Belleville General Hospital, sponsoring the annual Belleville General Hospital Foundation Gala and the Bonn Law Office Belleville General Hospital Outpatient Rehabilitation Day Hospital (“Bonn Law Rehabilitation Hospital”). The Bonn Law Rehabilitation Hospital allows for patients to receive needed therapy following serious injuries and/or medical procedures.
The route for the run will follow along the perimeter of the Bay of Quinte. Runners will cross through the communities of Prince Edward County, Belleville and Trenton before ending back at the place where they started. The total distance will be at least 50 kms. The run is open to anyone who wants to participate. If you aren’t ready for the full 50 kms, please come out and join us for a portion of the route. There will be a main aid station at Bonn Law Office, 80 Division St, Trenton, which is approximately the half-way point. If you are not able to run, come and cheer us on.