Category: Law Blogs

Criminal Defence Law and My Inspiration

Criminal Defence Law and My Inspiration

Sometimes snapshots from the past creep up on us at unexpected times. Sometimes they are bright pictures that make us smile; at other times they remind us of something that made us who we are. I recently had one of those latter snapshots. In 1998 I was writing my Bar admission exams in Toronto. Two days before one of my exams my mother died, and I flew out West for her funeral. While my brother and sister ran errands, I

Listening and the Law: The Unspoken Word

Listening and the Law: The Unspoken Word

I was at a great criminal defence lawyers’ conference earlier this month, listening to some of the finest members of my profession offer advice and new techniques to help us better fight for our clients. The information that was shared was excellent and thought-provoking. And, as so happens at these things, some of what was said triggered other ideas, and reminders for me of skills that are important, and sometimes under-utilized. One of those skills is listening, something that I

The Conference, The Memories and The Inspiration

The Conference, The Memories and The Inspiration

A few weeks ago I was in Toronto, for a wonderful criminal lawyers’ conference. I learned a great deal, and after the conference I walked past Old City Hall Courthouse. That courthouse has great personal significance for me because it’s really where my career in criminal law began. In my second year of law school I was very fortunate to be part of the Criminal Intensive Program. I was conducting real criminal trials – and learning from the very best

Ghomeshi Case: Gender Politics in the Court of Public Opinion

Ghomeshi Case: Gender Politics in the Court of Public Opinion

I rarely wade into the murky waters of gender politics, particularly as they relate to my profession, but the recent case of R. v. Ghomeshi cries out for comment. More than enough ink has already been spilled about the verdict, the evidence, and all the attendant side shows. But what really stood out for me in the Ghomeshi case was the staggering amount of commentary about the fact that female complainants were, gasp, being cross-examined by a woman! And the

The Life of a Criminal Defence Lawyer

Step into my world for a moment. Listen to the stories, see the snapshots of the lives I see at Court. Sit with the humanity in all its colour, and glory and sadness and hope. A man looking at more jail time, pleads with a Judge to release him, so he can take care of his cat. Another begs for the return of a photo of his child. A woman rocks with worry, as a broken child testifies. She is

And the Band Played On…

One of my clients went to jail yesterday. It was expected – he understood when he entered his guilty pleas that he would probably be sentenced to jail. But it still came as a dreadful shock, as it invariably does for almost all clients. Somehow he had convinced himself that this sentence he had prepared himself for, would not happen. When it did, his face crumpled in on itself, his body shrank as though he were trying to disappear inside


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