I read with pleasure and respect an article this weekend by Edward Greenspan. Mr. Greenspan is a very senior member of the criminal Bar. He most recently defended Conrad Black against charges in the United States. Mr. Black has been highly critical of Mr. Greesnpan, commenting about his work on the case in the verbose and self-serving manner which characterizes Mr. Black. It is not unusual for clients to blame their lawyers when things don’t go their way. You need a thick skin in this job. But Mr.
Black’s comments went beyond the usual complaints. In my view, they bordered on slanderous. I was delighted to see Mr. Greenspan respond – with his usual skill and humour. As a personal aside, Mr. Greenspan spoke at my Call to the Bar ceremonies. He was inspirational. He has also been one of the very senior members of the Bar who are always available to assist junior counsel. I admire and respect him greatly. His comments on the Black case are well worth reading.