Mind Over Matter: 24 Hour Run for BIAQD

Mind Over Matter: 24 Hour Run for BIAQD

Kris Bonn is turning 45 this April and he’s celebrating by giving back to the community (once again!). On April 19th at 5:00pm Kris will begin running the 400m track at Mary Ann Sills and will continue running for 24 hours. Kris will be pushing his body to the limit to raise money for Brain Injury Association Quinte District.

Kris is aiming to raise $15,000 to help support BIAQD. As president of BIAQD Kris sees first hand the wonderful work they do in our community. Help Kris achieve his birthday goal. Donate to Brain Injury Association Quinte District:

Online: Facebook (no processing fees, 100% of donations go to BIAQD).
In-Person: Cash or cheque (payable to Brain Injury Association Quinte District) can be dropped off at Bonn Law offices in Trenton and Belleville
Online: BIAQD website via Canada Helps (Please include “Mind Over Matter: 24 Hour Run for BIAQD in the message line).  

Event details, including a schedule of events, can be found on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/509417429550798/.

To learn more about Brain Injury Association Quinte District visit biaqd.ca.


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